Just a small holiday note from the family of Janne and Jerry Fecht. It's chilly and rainy here, just about as much winter as we ever have. However, the rains have brought snow to the San Gabriel and Verdugo Mountains - just in time for a backdrop to the Rose Bowl Game on New Year's Day. (god's Trojans are playing Penn State - ought to one heck of a football game!)
Folks for other parts of our country have a hard time seeing winter, when they come for a visit. But, we see it. Our sister Genevieve sends her Canadian geese to us to hang out until spring. Great wedges of them cross the Valley every morning and evening now. Our noisy parrots have taken off to Baja California and will make it home in time for summer.
And, we are having the second rain in as many weeks - Rain is exciting to us because we haven't had any for about 10 months.
The city is quieter than usual, and poorer. Unemployment is really bad here now, and our Governor has drastically cut the State's budget. Lots and lots of families have lost their homes - we see "owned by bank" signs everywhere.
However, there is a optimism that 2009 will bring a renewed pride in our country and the restoration of prosperity.
As Tiny Tim, said during tougher times, "God Bless Us All!"